Saturday, May 22, 2010

Everyone has a story...Valerie

I hope that you are all blessed by a stranger that enters your life as a friendship blossoms where you given invaluable life lessons just by watching as they live their life. It happened to me in the stands while watching our boys play football where I would meet amazing Mother’s. One in particular left a lasting imprint on my heart. Valerie is quiet and has a gentle spirit. It would be lessons from God’s whispers of friendship, giving, compassion, and love that she would share with me without knowing.

We would all be shocked to hear that one of the Mother’s was diagnosed with renal cell cancer. She was a young Mother with three children. A connection formed between Rita and Valerie and I watched as this new friendship became stronger through Rita’s journey. Valerie stepped up and helped Rita until the end. It would be through Nicole’s passing that the memories of their friendship would return to my heart as I watched Preston do the same for his dear friend. I was able to share this with Valerie…thanks to face book. I knew that she would be the only person that would understand what Preston was experiencing during that time in his life.

Valerie was the first to call as soon as she heard about Preston’s diagnosis. She said that she hoped that she wasn’t calling at a bad time. She would know that anytime of the day in the beginning of the journey could be a bad time. Valerie told me something that I didn’t know about her…she was the Mother of a cancer survivor. Her son also had Hodgkin’s when he was a baby. I knew that he was strong and healthy. She gave me a gift that afternoon that would carry me through our journey…hope!

Several years later I heard the most devastating news …Valerie’s son and Preston’s football brother had been in a terrible car accident and was killed instantly. Luke was always quiet and polite..his Mother’s son for sure. I’ve watched too many Mother’s lose their babies and each one holds a special place in my heart. There is a song that comes to my mind during these times…Meeting in the Air. When that day comes, I hope that God will allow me to stand to the side and watch the reunions of Mother’s with their babies. I know that each one awaits that day. Dan and I would witness an amazing outreach of forgiveness as we attended the family visitation for Luke. Valerie was waiting on Luke’s girlfriend to arrive from the hospital. She was driving the car and was injured. When she arrived, Valerie embraced her. To be honest…at that time of my life I didn’t know if I would have the same compassion. But, I knew that it was possible by watching Valerie.

We lost contact with each other as life moved forward but she remained in my heart and memories as certain situations would arise. God always brought the life lessons back for me to lean on. I wanted to contact her when another Mom faced the loss of her daughter in a car accident but didn’t know how to reach her. It was through the world of face book that our reunion would occur and where I am assured that Valerie is only a post or email away with a shoulder to lean on and a kind ear to listen.

There are moments in our lives that happen with strangers if we only take the opportunity to get to know each other and allow ourselves the time to share a little of us with them. This was one of my moments.

Thank you Valerie!

1 comment:

  1. YEA..... It's about time you came over to blog land!!! If anyone has a story to tell I know you'll be there to listen, and I know it will be good.... Look forward to reading them.

    Love ya,
